
Solo Repertoire

Revised December, 2022

  • Soloists must sing two age appropriate songs of contrasting nature. These songs should be from the art song, oratorio, or operatic repertory, but only one post-baroque aria may be performed.* 

  • When choosing literature, soloists can use the Suggested Repertoire List as a guide. There is no longer a required list for soloists.

  • If multiple strophic verses are included in the original work, it is acceptable to select two (or more if needed) in the interest of time.

  • If an original work repeats without any changes to text or musical content, it is acceptable to eliminate the repeat sign in the interest of time (da capo arias).

  • Accompanists are encouraged to reduce lengthy introductions and interludes in the interest of time.

  • Popular show tunes, vocal jazz, barbershop, novelty selections, and minstrel songs are not to be used and will result in no Final Determination. 

  • If public domain or copies of music purchased online is used, printed proof of origin is required and should be in the performance room during the performance. Failure to do so will result in a ‘no rating’.
  • Two original copies of each song are required in the performance room, and measures must be clearly numbered. Failure to do so will result in no Final Determination.

  • At State Solo & Ensemble, soloists will be allowed 15 minutes for warm-up, 15 minutes for performance and 7.5 minutes for sight reading. 

*An art song is usually written for one voice with piano accompaniment in the classical art music tradition. In German it is called lieder; in French, chanson.  An art song is a complete composition in itself and is not part of a larger work such as an opera or oratorio.  

Choral Repertoire

  • Each choir must perform two selections of a contrasting nature.  
  • For the 2024-2025 Festival Season, the required repertoire lists are suggested repertoire. If a director is choosing to sing something that is not on either required list, there is a song in the scheduler titled DIRECTOR CHOICE that can be used for the required piece. There is no sight-reading level attached to this song; directors will simply tell the adjudicator which level and voicing they are choosing to sing when entering the sight-reading room. (Click here to view repertoire lists)

  • Adjudicators will be required to comment in writing on the choice of literature via the rubric. 

  • Non-traditional choral music sung at choral festival needs to fall within the framework of the MSVMA choral rubric. Click here to view further considerations regarding non-traditional choral music sung at choral festival.
  • Choreography is not allowed. However, artful staging and appropriate choral movement that reflect performance practice of the genre is permitted. The use of choreography will result in no Final Determination.
  • JHMS directors may change the key to meet their singers' needs. It is not acceptable to rewrite a score but adaptation is permitted.

Director of Adjudication 
Pam Pierson

Helpful Resources
Go to Google and search "song translations and IPA"

Would you like to see a piece of music added to one of the repertoire lists? 

To submit a suggestion to the repertoire committee

Click Here!


Michigan School Vocal Music Association

P.O. Box 1131

Big Rapids, MI 49307-1131

(231) 592 - 9344

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